DepleteX™️ High Expressing RNA Depletion Kit

Maximize low expressing transcripts with our broad RNA depletion panel

Our DepleteX High Expressing RNA Depletion kit removes the highest expressing transcripts in-vitro ahead of sequencing, redistributing ~70%* sequencing reads to unique biologically relevant transcripts—allowing you to maximize detection of low expressing transcripts or rare isoforms.

Boost detection sensitivity in fibroblasts and whole blood

Resequencing high expressing transcripts adds little biologically relevant information. Unfortunately, these transcripts outcompete low expressing transcripts for sequencing coverage. This lack of coverage, coupled with significant noise from high expressing transcripts, limits detection of the low expressing genes, rare variants and unique fusion events that may be disease drivers.

DepleteX leverages Cas9 and a guide RNA set designed to remove 70% of the highest expressing transcripts from poly-A selected RNA-Seq libraries derived from fibroblasts and whole blood. This guide set was designed to maximize the re-assignment of total sequencing reads to increase sequencing coverage of rare, low expressing transcripts and unique fusion events.


  • Deplete >4,000 highly expressed transcripts in whole blood and fibroblasts
  • Assign ~70%* more reads to low-expressing biologically relevant transcripts
  • Maximize variant and isoform detection with less sequencing
  • Increased detection of lower expressing transcripts
  • Integrate easily into your workflow with a simple and flexible protocol



Catalog KIT1020
Samples per kit 24
Tissues evaluated in design Fibroblast, whole blood
Depletion content ~4,450 high expressing transcripts
Predicted in silico depletion ~70% of sequencing reads from poly A selected RNA seq libraries of fibroblast and whole blood tissue types in normal state
CRISPRclean product compatibility Ribodepletion (KIT1014)

~5-fold increased coverage of reads aligning to lower expressing transcripts

Graph illustrating ~5x increased coverage of reads aligning to lower expressing transcripts


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For the US patent, the patent number is US 10,604,802 entitled Genome Fractioning. The patent publication is available here.

For the EP patent, the patent number is EP3102722 entitled Genome Fractioning. The patent publication is available here.