Custom Guide RNA Design
Custom depletion panels for your samples and applications.
You know your samples and how to get the most valuable data out of your sequencing. Jumpcode Genomics can partner with you to provide a customized solution of our CRISPRclean® reagents that will remove unwanted fragments from your sequencing libraries.
Custom design.
Share a list of genes or repetitive elements that you want to remove from your NGS libraries. Jumpcode Genomics will use our proprietary design tools to build a customized CRISPRclean depletion panel to remove unwanted sequences while retaining fragments of interest.
Example projects.
Jumpcode has experience working with a wide variety of genomes and NGS applications. We have designed custom DNA repeat depletion panels for plants such as maize and wheat, as well as mammalian genomes such as human. We’ve also designed RNA-Seq panels to remove top expressing genes from specific tissues, ultimately boosting detection sensitivity of isoforms and low expressors.
High throughput automation friendly formats.
Whatever the scale of your project, we are here to support you with professional informatics and NGS library prep consultation. DepleteX depletion can be integrated directly into NGS library prep protocols at various points depending on the application. This allows us the flexibility to provide protocols and reagent sizes for pooled or single reaction libraries. Jumpcode Genomics is also willing to partner with you to provide automation friendly kit formats.